William Foulke
William Foulke

WILLIAM FOULKE is from a small Pennsylvania town along the Delaware River. Often bored in school, he didn’t find the calling for his raw creative energy until his mother started supplying him with suspense novels. This eventually led to him fabricating stories of his own. After spending his remaining childhood years turning in hundreds of pages for short story projects, William decided to pursue a dual degree in both English and Education from Rowan University.

By his senior year of undergrad, William found that he enjoyed the creation of fictional worlds and the studies of the arts behind craft more enjoyable. He graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in English and a Minor in Education with a Concentration in Creative Writing. At the recommendation of former mentors, he attended graduate school at Vermont College of Fine Arts where he pursued a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Writing and defended a thesis on the merits of blending literary and horror fiction. He currently resides in his hometown where he is hard at work developing and publishing his first novel.

When he’s not creating fictional worlds or welding words together, William is out either photographing the world’s natural curiosities or enjoying new adventures to strange destinations.

All images & photos on this site are courtesy of William Foulke, Janine Horber, and Unsplash.com